Well, it's been quite a while since I posted anything! Number 50 Tsunami has come and gone, (see it at www.tsunamiguitars.com, plus I've started into jewelry boxes and a few specialty tables, which can also be seen on the website.
I have found that Tru-Oil makes a much better, harder finish for my guitars, so I switched away from nitro lacquer. The benefits were immediate; harder finish, no spraying, better control of thicknesses, and a mirror finish!
Tsunami is also working a little bit with Timbre Tone pickups from Illinois. A small startup, their difference is the exotic wood bobbins they put on their pickups, giving them a "woody" look. They sound pretty super, but not everybody likes a wooden pickup. I plan on building a guitar in the near future with these pickups installed, and hopefully posting an audio on my website. They can be found on Facebook, but yet to have a website.
One last thing...Robert Sampson, a noted blues player, will be competing in Memphis at the end of January in the annual Memphis Blues Festival. He plans on using his custom Tsunami, "The Blues Legend", designed by him. He plays a modified Hendrix style, using a right handed neck while playing left handed. So I built him a custom with a right handed neck, but with a left handed body so for the first time in his career, he has his controls in the right spot. It is a wonderful Tele model with binding and some other goodies. I wish him the best and WIN already, Robert!!
Other than that, just getting older, wiser, and making the guitars!
I want to thank everyone who has supported and bought Tsunami's, they are truly the customs for the rest of us!
Thanks so much, and here's to a good future for all!!