Lately, I've been thinking of multiple ways to increase my business. Oh, I know the economy is in the tank, less people working now than in the last 20 years, and so on. But to be honest, the guitar industry is not that weak. Along with the many "big boys" in the industry, there are dozens, if not hundreds of people like me all trying for a tiny slice of the market share. In other words, everybody wants to sell you a guitar, and from the looks of it, you all are responding!
As a builder, after you find your niche, and try to distinguish your brand, then comes the really hard part. Marketing...
It is every bit as hard as people think, if not harder. Traditional ways of marketing have changed greatly. Word of mouth is still very strong, but more and more savvy buyers turn to the Internet for some kind of help. If you think about it, when was the last time you were watching something on television, and a commercial came on that you actually acted on? I'd bet it's been a long, long time. You might buy a six-pack of beer after seeing a dozen or so commercials for the latest lite beer, but it may not be THAT beer. It's a tough old world out there, and we all have to compete in it.
With all that in mind, I bought a few books on the subject, mainly on Internet marketing ideas. It seems that at least in today's day and age, a lot of people are really tuned into the Net. When my oldest brother and his wife recently visited, (they are retired), not only were they carrying laptops, they had pads, a Kindle, and the first thing my brother wanted to know was the ID number on my 2Wire Internet modem so he could set up all the items they had wireless. It all took about 15 minutes, and for the rest of their visit I would see them walking around, pad in hand, maybe laptop, just surfing and having a ball with friends and family.
So obviously, if I intend to take my business to the next level, it stands to reason I have to also "network on the Net!" This blog is a good example. My website,, is up to about 400+ hits a month. Obviously my Facebook page is nice and active, although I always want more "likes". But I'm looking for additional ways, and last weekend I took the first step. I bought a new, latest wave digital HD camera. Obviously, YouTube ready.
What will I do with this? Why, make videos that I will post around various sites to help people find me! (I hope...) After looking on YouTube for a couple hours last weekend, I noticed there are a large amount of builders with videos, and although some of them I could only stand to watch for 20-30 seconds, it was obvious from the hit numbers that this is a viable way to advertise, almost totally free. I realize I had to absorb the cost of the camera, but I already have the Internet and laptop, so basically all I need is a place to record, (have it in my little studio or in my shop), a topic, (one of my latest guitars which I hope to make a somewhat standard model), and fairly good lighting and sound. It sounds so easy...
But making and posting a video are not the same as people wanting to watch it. You have to make it something they WANT to watch. So some humor, something they don't know about Tsunami Guitars, something that will make them want to contact me has to be in these videos. And of course, I have to post them all over the place.
We'll see...
I have the equipment, I have a couple of topics. If I can just get my hair to look OK and suck that belly in.....